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10 Reasons to choose Heat Trace No6
Established in 1974, Heat Trace Limited is now one of the world's leading suppliers of electric heat tracing equipment for both process temperature maintenance and freeze protection applications.
6. Working within an ISO9001 compliant environment
Heat Trace is an ISO9001:2015 accredited company for manufacturing, system design, engineering and product development. Our first quality certification was issued on 4th October 1991 and has been updated and re-assessed over the years. This leads to a finely tuned and ideally suited quality management system for a modern, leading global manufacturer.
It is the stated quality policy of Heat Trace to satisfy the requirements of our customers. This can only be achieved by operating a comprehensive, co-ordinated quality system that assures the quality of all products, processes and services offered by the company.
This system has been re-designed and updated to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and is implemented across the whole Organisation, embracing all of the activities which impact upon our customers.
The Directors of the company are committed to ensuring that the system is effective in achieving quality and satisfying customers both now and in the future.
In September 2002 HTL Quality Systems demonstrated compliance with the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC, therefore enabling the company to sell certified products for use in Hazardous Locations and Explosive Atmospheres in Europe.
The Quality Systems were enhanced when in May 2011 HTL successfully gained the world wide IECEx Quality Assessment Report, bringing the company up to date with Quality System accreditation, at that time.
Heat Trace Quality portfolio has been further extended by the addition of the new UK QAN in October 2021, allowing Ex products to be certified and sold under the new UK Explosion proof scheme into our home market with the advent of Brexit.
We will strive to continually improve our products, processes and systems by setting quality objectives that are measurable and are reviewed.